Sunday, January 22, 2012


For over 200 fortnights, the words salvaged from the depths of the twilight mind refused to rise to the surface to siphon off it's elusiveness, so that the world might gain from it's succulent fruit. Now, as if from the flaked ashes long forgotten by mortal minds, they arise like the Phoenix. Feather fleeting cinders burn the ideologies of antagonism and smite the theories of negativity. The open mind ushers in the thoughts of the masses, and viewpoints of the few. A rhetoric of freedom awaits, unbound by the laws of man or the limitations of "rights" for left and any other direction is possble. On this day... the blog of Sceritz... is revived...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

ICU Mixtape

First mixtape in a very long time, just a quick put together of songs, all mixed myself, recorded with the help of Gripp, using beats from the industry, except one of which came directly from a friend. Nothing extremely special, But I hope you enjoy!

  1. Let the Beat Build
  2. Heart of the Lion (Eye of the Tiger)
  3. I See You (Ransom Free)
  4. No Joke
  5. Emerald Skylight
  6. Envy of the World
  7. Killin' (Lady Gaga)
  8. Superstars Dream (Feat. Martmius & Jimmy Fredricks)
  9. 100 Video Games
  10. Starbucks
  11. Flow Spitta (1 900 Free)
  12. My World
  13. Swagga Like Ritz (Feat. Gripp)
  14. Spotlight
  15. Golden Age

  16. Friday, March 5, 2010

    Sceritz on Skype

    Go head and send me a request if you like!

    Username: Sceritz

    Thursday, February 11, 2010

    FAWM.ORG / sceritz

    Fawm 2010!

    This is my first year trying this out, writing a song every 2 days, or a total of 14 songs during the month of February, participating in February Artist Writer's Month (FAWM). Follow along with me this month!

    My FAWM Page

    • Song 1 Completed 2/2/10- Top of the World

    • Song 2 Completed 2/4/10- Killin'

    • Song 3 Completed 2/6/10- Much More

    • Song 4 Completed 2/8/10- Livin' in My World

    • Song 5 Completed 2/10/10- Mightier than a Sword

    • Song 6 Completed 2/13/10- Emerald Skylight

    FAWM.ORG / sceritz

    Thursday, August 6, 2009

    So, why do we curse so much?

    So I was sittng down and I asked myself, when I look everywhere around me. On TV, on youtube, in school, in the home, or any non professional or non religous institute, we as a whole people tend to curse... sometimes excessively. I have to ask myself why is this? And at the same time I ask myself is it necessary to ask? Is it really that big a deal? Which brings me then to asking, If it's not that big of a deal... then why do I even ask?

    First and foremost, cursing is a way to express oneself. However, I believe personally for it to be a lazy, incoherent way for us to express ourselves when we feel anger, or excitement among other emotions. So does everyone that curses do it because they are lazy? No, sometimes it is simply the prefferred, learned form of dictation, that has become a habit.

    Curse words are called as such because they have been deemed so by society, and there original meanings refer to something negative. What some regard as the most profane of curses, "Fuck" literally means to fornicate, or is a dirty form of sexual activity. The word "Shit" means feces or defication, and the word "Damn" means to curse someone to hell. Now should we care what society thinks when we use these words? The average answer to the supposed non-conformist (which by the way everyone now a days claims they won't conform or that they are different, making them ironically confirmist to being the same), is "No, I don't care what society thinks, it's just society!"

    Believer or not, admit it or not, society and those around you, play a large role in who you are. Everything you see, take in, and surround yourself with, contributes to part of what you are. The twist to this is that you choose for yourself who and what you associate yourself with. So yes, cursing is wrong because the meanings beget nothing but negative notions. Even when people are laughing and having fun and say them in the process, of course among friends there is no real harm, but when those things are diffused to different types of emotions, as well as different environments that's where it becomes a problem.

    If you can't be yourself everywhere without feeling guitly about it, or knowing in your heart that it is indecent because of societies' effect, than why be that thing? Society tells everyone with it that cursing is wrong, but we for some reason like to be a rebel and do the wrong thing. The wrong thing can hurt people. Everyone has a different level of tolerance. In situatioins where exclaiming "Fuck You!" may not have any effect on some people, it's effect on anther can cut deeper than intended.

    So yes, cursing is, and should be a big deal. We've grown so used to it that the Television is using it more, teenagers are becoming blase about it, and others are starting to get mad at the people that say they find it offensive! Still we abate and circumvent it's use in the higher level's of professionalism and most organized religions. The reason simple... we know it's wrong. Now adays, we've grown less decent and don't care about what's wrong anymore.

    Does cursing make us bad people? No... it's just a bad trait and habit. We should strive to eliminate these words from our vocabulary as much as possible. Plus, a person who curses sounds relatively 'stupid' for lack of better word. Using them shows lack of learned lexicare, and that generally seems to reflect a lack of intellect. The ability to get out what's being said with out using these curses gives a person a notable image.

    Lastly, just a tidbit for those that say that the Bible says nothing about refraining from curse words, and if it does, those specific words were never mentioned. The Bible was written ages ago, and it speaks in ambious terms to allow for interpretations to generalize to things of our day and age. It is there in Ephesians 4:29 (this is for the people who claim to be christians and justify their use of foul words by saying the bible doesn't mention it... sorry it does). Now if you are a Christian and you curse, are you a bad person? no but it's probably best to minimize it to nothingness in time.

    So why is it we curse so much? Maybe it's human nature to do the rebelious, maybe we honestly don't find it to be so bad, or maybe it's like that common phrase says "We just don't give a Fuck!"


    Tuesday, June 16, 2009

    The Blind Soul

    There was once a blind soul. This being meandered many days in his lonesome, searching for meaning in, and appreciating the many wonders of the world. Genuinely enthralled, he was content with what he found, and how he explained various phenomena away to himself in capitulating justifications, and elucidations.

    Then he met man. This was indeed the most fascinating subject he'd come across yet. A creature capable of higher thinking, sentient beyond natural instinct... it was... it was remarkable!

    This blind soul then had a conversation with man he told him of all the things he'd discovered and concluded about the real world, he enjoyed these discussions as did the man. They befriended each other.

    One day they were having a talk as usual, when the man challenged something to soul said, and told him, in actuality, his view of this particular issue was incorrect. The blind soul frowned. This was nonsense for he had perfectly deciphered every abstract of life with faultless precision.

    The man asked the soul "Do you know that you are blind?" The soul burst into rolling laughter, as he condescended on the man who he knew, knew so little. "no lesser being has the right to speak words of foolery unto me, for I have discovered, and know the meaning of all, and the way everything in this simple, yet ravishing world works."

    The man told the soul, "But you are blind, and though right about some things, you do not see the world the same as I, it is ok, for another perspective to be considered at times"


    And so the blind soul left the man frustrated, never to return to the man's side. He refused to accept a fallacy of his own. Begrudged he trudged miserably, and without the company he loved so much. The world that was once so enticing, now proved dull in comparison. His joy had fled him, and though it stood right within his grasp, he refused to accept it, at the cost of his own pride. He refused to open his eyes. And so, the blind soul, remained blind.

    By Sceritz